Live Your Best Life!

White Magick 101

with Rev. diane of The Sanctuary

YOSEMITE MAY 20 -29  2025    

Live Your Best Life Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025

If you are successful, yet there are still some things missing in your life, and you are ready to make the Law of Attraction work for all parts of life; Join Us!  You’ll learn to connect to own your power and easily fill in the blanks, creating Peace and Ecstatic Aliveness!

Your Retreat Story

Before the Retreat, your classes and sessions tell you you are on the right track. You meet some incredible people and begin to feel a kinship with them.

Soon, you are off to the Retreat. You feel nervous, or is that excitement? You arrive and see people you have laughed with. The warm air caresses you, a cool breeze takes away the cobwebs in your mind. Looking around, you realize this is a magical place.

The ancient oaks and sequoias in the nearby forest call to you like old friends. Their scent inspires thoughts of serenity and adventure. You delight in the birds’ songs and seeing a deer sitting peacefully. After a scrumptious dinner, you visit the pond and listen to the stories of frogs living a life of harmony.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025

Watching a vibrant sunset, you say goodbye to the stresses of daily life. Night unfolds, and a canopy of stars beckons, urging you to commune with the universe. 

Then: The magic of Yosemite. Inspiring views tell you this is a sacred place.

The river’s sound requires you to be here now. Waterfalls say good things come from above. Touching the bark of a cedar tree, you feel grounded. Your roots, like the trees, are secure. Suddenly, a wildflower calls, its simple beauty as great as any expensive trinket.

After the retreat, you know you are on the path to miracles. Supported by your newfound sisters, you continue to grow. You continue to heal traumas from this and past lives. There are ongoing celebrations of life rooted in a refreshed connection to nature. You connect to the Creator, to divine love.

The There's Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025


Welcome To Live Your Best Life!

Is it time to Live Your Best Life?

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025

Fill In The Missing Blanks:

Imagine a life with all the missing blanks filled in, whether it’s love, money, health, or success that you are still seeking.

You’ll finally learn how to make the Law of Attraction work for you. All of the time. You will experience miracles as if they are natural occurrences.

Really Happy Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025

Experience True Joy:

What if you say “Great!” and mean it when asked how you are?

We often pretend to be happy when, in truth, we feel an emptiness because we haven’t been able to find true fulfillment. You’ll learn to maintain a feeling of joy even when you are a work in progress.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025 Waking up With Purpose

Know Your Purpose And Live It:

Can you see your life if you knew what you came here to do? Wouldn’t it be great to get up every morning excited about what you will do that day? You’ll hear your inner voice and plan your day, work, and projects with clear guidance. Guidance from within yourself and guidance from your Guides. Best of all, you will know that you are living the life your soul desires. Not what others dictated. Not going to work, but going to execute your Divine Plan.

Resolve Conflicts:

What if conflicts were silly little things you quickly escort out of your life?

We will teach you how to create peace with even your toughest customer. Even if that’s you! You will know how to end irritating, frustrating situations with ease. Life is about experiencing joy. Now is the time to stop wasting your time.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025

Live in Gaia’s Embrace:

Envision a loving relationship with the planet, feeling gratitude for the gift of life. See the delight of standing secure on a planet that supports you.

Loving the planet means loving life. Amidst all the pain of life, we often forget to love it. How can we materialize our dreams if we don’t feel good about being in a body? By reconnecting to nature, we allow Gaia’s grounding energy to flow through us. We gain the launching pad for miracles to flow toward us constantly.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025 Self Love

You Loving You:

Imagine hugging yourself not once, not twice, but many times every day. What if you governed your life with unwavering self-love? How incredible would it be to know you are worthy of all the great things you want for yourself? What would it mean to your children and their children that their role model (You!) was comfortable in her body and felt competent and beautiful? How much more could you create if Self-Love was not illusive?

Connect To The Creator Yosemite Spring 2025

Create A Joyful Connection To The Creator:

How amazing would it be to have a direct line to Divine energy?

The Creator, or God, or whatever term works for you, wants you to feel her love. We will share simple techniques for you to experience that love. You will be able to tap into source quickly. The energy of creation, love, and healing will flow through you.


Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025 Healing Presence

Become A Healing Presence:

What if you were a loving, healing presence in the lives of your children, friends, and furkids?

Watching those we love suffer is one of the most heartwrenching experiences. Learn to be a healing presence in the lives of those you love. It isn’t hard; in fact, it’s the natural state of our souls. You can reclaim your light, becoming love incarnate. You can bring peace and joy to others.

Thomas's Testimonial

Working with Rev. diane is the best investment of time and money I have ever made.

Thomas W.



Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025

Rustic Comfort Meets Modern Luxury. Our Home in the Woods.

Welcome to the epitome of serenity nestled amidst nature’s embrace! Imagine a haven where the gentle rustle of grasses and the melodious symphony of birdsong are your daily companions. Welcome to our woodland retreat. This is where indulgence meets enlightenment, and nature’s grandeur becomes your sanctuary.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025


Here, in this oasis, we invite you to embark on a profound self-discovery and rejuvenation journey. This exquisite estate, meticulously crafted near the verdant splendor of the forest, offers an unparalleled refuge for those seeking spiritual renewal.

From the accommodations adorned with natural elements to the tranquil meditation spaces nestled amidst ancient trees, every corner of our retreat exudes an aura of sublime tranquility.

Picture yourself awakening to the soft glow of dawn filtering through your window, beckoning you to greet the day with a heart full of gratitude. Allow the gentle rhythm of nature to guide you to a state of profound peace.

Indulge in the ultimate luxury of this woodland retreat, designed with amenities to elevate your experience and awaken your senses. Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating embrace of our heated pool, where the gentle cascade of a waterfall invites you to surrender to bliss.

After a day of exploration, soothe your body and soul in our inviting hot tub, where the bubbling warmth melts away tension and invites deep relaxation.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Connecting With Nature

Embark on a journey of discovery as you navigate the tranquil waters of the picturesque pond aboard a rowboat that glides effortlessly across the glassy surface. 

Venture out onto our private trails, spanning twenty acres of wilderness, where every step brings you closer to the heart of nature’s majesty. 

Keep a keen eye out for the inhabitants of the forest, from playful squirrels darting among the trees to majestic deer grazing in sunlit meadows. Marvel at the sight of wild turkeys strutting gracefully through the meadows. You might even spot bears as they move with grace and power

Then, There’s Yosemite

Nearby, nestled within the embrace of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains, lies a place of unparalleled natural beauty and spiritual significance. Here, amidst towering granite cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and verdant forests, the essence of the Earth’s soul whispers to those seeking inspiration and connection.

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025


For countless generations, the indigenous people of this land, including the Ahwahneechee people of the Miwok tribe, have revered Yosemite Valley as a sacred sanctuary.  To be in Yosemite is to walk in the footsteps of those who came before and honor the wisdom of the land. Each vista, towering peak, and whispering breeze carries with it the echoes of generations past, inviting us to listen, learn, and awaken to the deeper truths of existence.

The thundering cascades of Yosemite Falls and the ethereal beauty of Bridalveil Fall beckon us to surrender to the transformative power of water. When we wander through the ancient forests of giant sequoias, you’ll feel a deep sense of reverence for the wisdom of these ancient beings.

But perhaps the most profound spiritual experience of all is found in the quiet moments of reflection by the Merced River. Here, as the current flows past, you’ll find a sense of peace and serenity that transcends words. In these sacred moments, the boundaries between the self and the natural world dissolve. You’ll discover a profound sense of connection to all of creation.

Come To Our Table

Your dining experience will be a feast for all of your senses. Fresh, mostly organic, and locally sourced foods will reinstate the joy of eating. The succulent, luscious smells of savory dishes will entice you. The vibrant texture of flavorful salads will remind you that being alive is a gift. Fresh breads and decadent desserts will delight your pallet. Each dish is a work of art; you will want to take pictures!

Food For Life At It’s Fullest:

We will serve meals with fresh juices, a new blend daily, spring and sparkling water, mocktails (you’ll love the Pineapple and Tamarind Cooler), aromatic herbal teas, and locally roasted coffee. You will learn how to expand, balance, and heal yourself throughout your journey in life by the choices you make regarding beverages and foods.

We’ll start our mornings with light foods and a fresh smoothie to support our chakras’ healing, cleaning, and alignment.  No meal will be without exciting flavors.

Fresh Juice!

Savory Dinners Globally Inspired

For dinner, imagine a vibrant dance on your plate. Tender seafood nestled in a fragrant Thai curry pool. The creamy coconut base is alive with lime zest, ginger, and whispers of lemongrass. It begs you to scoop it up with fragrant jasmine rice. A side of crisp summer vegetables adds a refreshing crunch, their sweetness playing off the savory curry. This is just one adventure on a global food odyssey.

We’ll whisk you from Southeast Asia’s spice-kissed shores to the Mediterranean’s citrusy delights. All with the freshest catches and sauces that tantalize your taste buds. T

To end on a sweet note, picture a decadent cheesecake. Its creamy heart infused with whispers of lemon and topped with vibrant seasonal berries. A perfect symphony of textures and flavors. Prepare for a dining experience that’s more than a meal – a journey for your senses.

Joyful Owl Lemon Cheesecake With Berries

Eating a meal can be a celebration of life,

and we intend to party!


Day’s Well Spent

More than a retreat, more than spiritual mentoring, more than transformational life coaching, this is your opportunity to transform your life. This is your time for miracles.

Pre Retreat April 13 – May 17

  • April 13th Initiation Ceremony via Zoom
  • Saturdays and Sundays via Zoom for five classes. This includes your Reiki Level 1 Attunement.
  • New Moon and Full Moon Ceremonies via Zoom on April 27th and May 12th. The second is the Wesak Moon, which many consider to be the most important Full Moon of the year!
  • Four private sessions with Rev. diane
  • AYeeYa Activator Session with Raisa Araya – This one’s easy. She will activate your healing centers and more while you sleep!

At Home Zoom Classes

May 20th - Welcome! We Come Together

Welcome to the retreat


Welcome, beautiful souls! After a month-long journey of healing, growth, and transformation, we gather in the sacred embrace of this retreat. Together, we have delved into the depths of our beings, unraveling the threads of our past and weaving them into the tapestry of our future. Now, we can embrace infinite possibilities through the radiance of our collective resilience. Welcome to this sanctuary of healing and inspiration.


  • Arrive at the Retreat
  • Enjoy the first dinner
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Ancestral Healing: Theta Healing Meditation

May 21st - Being Here Now

Massage and FacialsToday is a journey into serenity, a voyage towards the tranquil depths of the self. When we wake, we embark on our sacred rituals, weaving together the threads of tranquility and presence.

In the gentle embrace of our Chakra Tea Ceremony, we ignite the luminous energy of our Root Chakra. With each sip, we connect with the earth beneath our feet, grounding ourselves in the comforting embrace of safety and security.


  • Morning Prayers, Grounding, and Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Massage & Facials
  • Private Sessions with Rev. diane
  • Mold Burning  – Rewriting Our Beleifs
  • Ancestral Healing: ThetaHealing Meditation

May 22nd - Allowing Peace

Relax in the pool Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025Today, we move towards a deeper sense of presence and tranquility.

In the serene ambiance of our Chakra Tea Ceremony, we gently stir the energy of our Sacral Chakra, inviting its vibrant essence to flow and blossom. We allow ourselves to tap into our creativity and find inspiration in the peace surrounding us. Becoming even more present, we open ourselves to new possibilities and let our creative energies flow freely.


  • Morning Prayers, Grounding, and Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Massage & Facials
  • Private Sessions with Rev. diane
  • Mold Burning – Rewriting Our Beliefs
  • Ancestral Healing: Theta Healing Meditation


May 23rd - Deep Connection

A Waterfall in Yosemite Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025Today, we balance and align our Heart Chakra, inviting the gentle essence of love to permeate our being and illuminate our path with its radiant warmth.

Today’s adventure is a pilgrimage to Yosemite for a tour of the park with Balanced Rock. Walking through this sacred place, we are reminded of the delicate balance within ourselves and the importance of nurturing our inner landscape with love and acceptance.

As we traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Yosemite, surrounded by towering sequoias and cascading waterfalls, we are enveloped in the embrace of Mother Nature’s love. With each step, we deepen our connection to the earth as we bask in the beauty of creation.

Mountain Room at Yosemite Valley LodgeThe tour leads us to the Ansel Adams Gallery. Here, we will experience the power of purpose. In harmony with the majesty of the American terrain and celebrated for his meticulous craftsmanship and enduring elegance in photography, Ansel Adams is a pioneer in safeguarding the nation’s untouched regions, both through his lens and in reality. His visionary leadership and unwavering determination have preserved vast stretches of America for generations.

Our day in Yosemite will end with dinner in the Mountain Room. At The Mountain Room Restaurant, you will take in astounding views of the nearly 2,500-foot-high waterfall. The menu offers sustainably caught seafood and delicious vegetarian options. You will enjoy a three-course meal in this fine-dining restaurant that culminates with an excellent selection of desserts!

The memories and the visions of beauty you will take away from your day in Yosemite will be a source of inspiration for the rest of your life!


  • Morning Prayers, Grounding, and Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Tour Yosemite With Balanced Rock – Picnic Lunch Included
  • Ansel Adams Gallery – When Purpose Drives Creation
  • Shopping In Yosemite
  • Dinner In Yosemite
  • Ancestral Healing: ThetaHealing Meditation

May 24th - Purpose Presents

Forest Bathing

Today, we embark on a journey of empowerment and self-assurance as we focus on balancing the radiant energies of our Solar Plexus Chakra.

Through simple spiritual practices, we open ourselves to connect with our Highest Self and Guides, seeking guidance and wisdom on our path. We cultivate a deeper understanding of our inner strength and innate potential, allowing our confidence to blossom like the petals of a flower in bloom.

We venture into the embrace of nature, finding solace and inspiration in the earth’s gentle embrace. When we align with our Highest Self and commune with nature, we find the courage to step boldly into our authenticity and shine brightly as the magnificent beings we are.


  • Morning Prayers, Grounding, and Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Connecting With Our Higher Self & Guides
  • Forest Bathing with Susan Madden
  • Mold Burning – Rewriting Our Beliefs
  • Ancestral Healing: ThetaHealing Meditation

May 25th - Preparing The Stage

Crystals and Herbs
It is a day infused with the essence of authenticity and manifestation centered around activating our Throat Chakra. Today, we harness the power of our voice to speak our truth and breathe life into our deepest dreams and aspirations.

In the sanctuary of our retreat, we learn to use fragrant herbs and oils. With each inhalation, we inhale the wisdom of ancient healing practices, preparing ourselves to unlock the dormant potential within.

Crystals take us on an energetic alignment and balance journey, infusing our space with the harmony created through Feng Shui. Charging these sacred stones with our intentions, we pave the way for abundance, clarity, and manifestation to flow effortlessly into our lives.

We continue to harmonize the energies of body, mind, and spirit, creating a sacred space where dreams are realized and aspirations take root, flourishing in the fertile soil of our intentions.


  • Morning Prayers, Grounding, and Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Divine Space: Altars and Fundamental Feng Sui
  • Balancing, Healing, & Magick With Herbs & Essential Oils
  • Charging & Using Crystals and How To Use Your Pendulum
  • Mold Burning – Rewriting Our Beliefs
  • Ancestral Healing: ThetaHealing Meditation

May 26th - The Whole Show

We start with our intentions ofRituals for Empowerment balancing and aligning the Third Eye Chakra, cultivating a deep sense of truth and trust in our intuition and guidance from Divine sources. It’s time to embrace the profound journey of self-discovery and insight that awaits.

We learn to harness the tools we’ve gained to design a magickal ritual. Guided by intuition and intention, we craft a sacred ceremony that honors our journey and empowers our souls to manifest our deepest desires.

When evening falls, we find ourselves under the veil of a new moon, a time ripe with potential for new beginnings and manifestation. In celebration of this cosmic alignment, we gather in a sacred drum circle. United in spirit and intention, we infuse the night air with the power of our collective energy. We honor the cycles of creation and release. We transition seamlessly into enacting the ritual we crafted earlier, anchoring our intentions into the fertile soil of the universe. In this sacred union of rhythm and ritual, we sow the seeds of our dreams, trusting in the divine timing of the universe to bring them to fruition.


  • Morning Prayers, Grounding, and Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Design The Ritual
  • Sound Bath With Joy Hope
  • New Moon Drum Circle with Joy Hope
  • The Ritual
  • Ancestral Healing: ThetaHealing Meditation

May 27th - Compassionate Reviews

Healing CircleToday, we balance, align, and embrace the crown chakra’s radiant energy. We experience mental clarity and spiritual expansion. Through increased synergy between our physical body and mental state, we find ourselves effortlessly navigating the world around us. Grounded in the present moment yet connected to the vast expanse of the spiritual realm. In this harmonious union of body, mind, and spirit, we merge with divine consciousness, realizing our own true nature as luminous beings of light and love.

In the afternoon, we gather in a sacred circle of healing and transformation, harnessing the combined power of Compassion Key, NPA (Non Personal Awareness), and Theta Healing. Through the compassionate guidance of the Compassion Key, we release any blockages that hinder our growth and expansion. With the gentle yet potent techniques of NPA and Theta Healing, we navigate the realms of consciousness, tapping into the infinite wisdom beyond the confines of the personal ego. In this sacred union of healing modalities, we restore balance and harmony to body, mind, and spirit. Basking in the transformative power of group healing, we emerge renewed and revitalized, ready to embrace the journey ahead with clarity, grace, and unwavering compassion.


  • Morning Prayer & Visioning, Grounding, & Chakra Tea Ceremony
  • Compassion Key, NPA, & Theta

May 28th - Being The Light

Reiki Level 2 AttunementToday we embrace the transformative energy of Reiki Level 2 Attunement, inviting its gentle yet powerful healing vibrations to flow through us. With this  sacred initiation, we deepen our connection to the universal life force energy, amplifying our ability to channel healing light and facilitate profound energetic shifts. In this sacred space of attunement, we surrender to the divine flow of love and compassion, nurturing our souls and awakening to the limitless possibilities.

  • Reiki Level 2 Attunement

May 29th - Gratitude & Goodbyes

GratitudeWe gather one last time in a circle of gratitude and farewell, surrounded by the loving embrace of our newfound circle of support. With hearts overflowing with appreciation, we express our deepest gratitude for the journey we have shared, the profound connections forged, and the transformative healing that has taken place within each of us. As we step forward, we will do so with courage, grace, and an abiding sense of gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us.

  • Closing Ceremony

Zoom Meeting After The Retreat Yosemite 2025

Post Retreat June 10 – July 10

  • June 10th, June 25th, and July 10th Zoom New and Full Moon Ceremonies
  • July 10th Zoom Closing and Acknowledgement Ceremony

Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025 – Live Your Best Live!

Thirteen Weeks of Growth, Healing, and Transformation!

The Team

Rev diane

Morrisa of Joyful Owl

Susan Madden of Mindful Cafe

Rev diane of The Sanctuary

For over thirty years, Rev. Diane has provided Psychic Astrology Readings and designed Rituals for a global clientele.  Frustrated with the results she and her clients experienced regarding the Law of Attraction, she created a thorough program to make it work. Her no-nonsense, keep-it-simple approach fosters miracles and makes the Law of Attraction work for you!

Learn More

A child of the sixties in the San Francisco Bay Area, I grew up in an era that deemed Love one of the most important values.  My upbringing was far from peaceful, and I had challenges. Drugs were a part of the culture. Becoming an addict, I went into rehab. It was there that I was introduced to Metaphysics.

I graduated and have been drug-free for over forty years. Graduating from rehab led me to college, where I studied Psychology and Music. A single mother, I supported my son by cleaning toilets and eventually creating a cleaning agency.

I studied under Lisa de Longchamps at Wingsong. Though I pursued her music career, Wingsong became an integral part of my life. It was there that I learned to channel The Ascended Masters. I became a Wingsong Consultant and taught children manifesting at the school.

When my plans to become a rock star fell through, I surrendered to God and asked for guidance regarding how I could serve. At this point, I continued my studies in Metaphysics led me to offer my skills as a Psychic Astrologer and Tarot reader. However, that was not the complete fulfillment of my Divine Plan.


Through a series of dramas and changes, I founded a Home for once-homeless animals and saved thousands of animals. The Sanctuary was part of a broader humane education program, Kind Planet, which I also created. Additionally, I founded In Gaia’s Hands, an Animal and Earth Ministry. It was through this work that I chose the name diane of The Sanctuary.  I chose to spell my name with a small “d” because, in my opinion, the work is more important than I am.

Though the Wingsong teachings were beautiful and inspiring, I struggled with manifesting. Something held me back from total success. I felt that there was something wrong with me. I blamed God and was sure God hated me. Yet, I continued my search. I tell others, “We all must do our own psychic research.” That’s what I did and that’s what led us here.

Through my search for Peace and Ecstatic Aliveness, I found the tools to create this program, Live Your Best Life. It encompasses many modalities and successfully leads other beautiful souls (like you!) to fill in the blanks and live a life of joy, purpose, and love.

My certifications in Healing and Divinatory modalities include:

  • Acu Reiki Master (Acupressure Reiki)
  • Akashic Record Reader
  • Alchemical Healing Practioner
  • Aromatherapy
  • Compassion Key® (Master Practitioner)
  • Crystal Healing
  • EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • NLP (Neruolinguistic Programming)
  • Numerology Practitioner
  • Practical Feng Shui Master
  • Pranic Healing
  • Reiki (Master Reiki Practitioner)
  • Shamanic Life Coach
  • Sound Healing and Therapy
  • Theosophy Master Practitioner
  • Theta Healing®
  • Transformational Life Coach
  • Wingsong Consultant

If you are ready to Live Your Best Life, are committed to the work and seek guidance, I am honored to share, teach and guide you.

Morrisa Guerriera

We are grateful to have Morrisa, proprietor of Joyful Owl Chef, as our private chef. A small-town chef with big-name clients, Morrisa puts abundant joy and love into all she creates. She approaches food and dining as an opportunity to bask in life’s simple joys, showing us how to do the same. Morrisa’s mission, in part, is to bless others with the experience of true joy and bliss in eating, revitalizing, and nourishing our body, mind, and soul.

Susan Madden

Susan Madden of Mindful Cafe will facilitate the delightful experience of Forest Bathing. Combining her passions as a Meditation Teacher, Retreat Leader, Labyrinth Facilitator, Forest Bathing Guide, and Community Builder she fulfills her purpose of helping people create a more peaceful life. Susan bases her work on scientifically proven practices shown to improve health. She believes in keeping things simple because life is complicated enough!

Joy Hope

Raisa Araya

Joy Hope

Joy Hope is a world-class musician, healer, and peace activist. She plays in the High Sierra and leads sound baths and drum circles. Her music is highly effective at triggering our relaxation response, which counters the many symptoms caused by chronic stress while helping to balance our whole being.

The music she shares at the Retreat will speak the truth of our Highest Self and transformation.

Raisa Araya

Raisa Araya is the founder  of AYeeYA Activator.

​With a deep passion, Raisa has studied and mastered the transformative powers of the ancient Egyptian modality of Aboukra Healing. Abrouka is a healing journey in which the energetic components of body, mind, and spirit are stabilized in space and time to activate and facilitate self-healing and empowerment.

She commits herself to guiding you on your path to wellness and self-discovery.


Petunia was a shelter dog with an unknown past. She is now in her forever home with Rev. diane, eight other dogs, a mean Cockatoo, a feral pig, a cat, four doves, and one male human. Petunia dedicate herself  to teaching unconditional love by allowing humans to love her unconditionally.

She will be joining the retreat to do just that. She thought you’ll be missing your own fur kids and so volunterred.



Balanced Rock is Yosemite’s premier health and wellness non-profit organization leading transformational programs, retreats, and guided experiences since 2000. Located in one of the world’s most celebrated and sacred places, Yosemite National Park, we inspire healing and wellness through yoga, hiking, Ayurveda, creative expression, and community.

Blue Oak AyurvedaBlue Oak Ayurveda


Through consultation, bodywork, skin care, seasonal detoxification, yoga, workshops, and outdoor activities, Blue Oak’s family of practitioners help individuals acquire the knowledge and skills needed to reach the balance they seek.  They look forward to serving your holistic healthcare needs, and wish you good health of the body, and illumination and levity of the mind and heart.

Diane, thank you so much! I feel at least 100 pounds lighter! I mean, that’s incredible!! Again, thank you so much I love you.




Happy client

Future You

A Life Of Joyful Purpose

Finally you live your Divine Plan, giving your best gifts.  Your life is on track to fulfill your soul’s purpose. When you wake up you feel like a racehorse standing behind the gate, ready to share your gifts with the world. Knowing you came here to uplift others.


Dreams, Desires Materializing

With clarity, you know what is next.  You’re not asking the Universe to send you something. You are aware of and comfortable with your power to create. From a place of love, you design your life, and so it is.


Bright Shiny Relationships

There aren’t any arguments that last for days. Conflicts evaporate. You see the problem; you solve it. You don’t deny your truth or sacrifice.  You’re not manipulated or controlled. You now know how to choose true peace.


Loving Yourself and Your Life

You have removed self-doubt, self-hatred, and self-sabotage. Now you know that, though maybe still in process, you are the creator of a life of meaning and Love. You are your best friend and can meet any challenge with courage and skills to succeed in all areas of life.

Triumphant After Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Bright Shiny Relationships

Everyone’s OK

Worries about your family, furkids, or friends dissolve. When they’re in pain, you bring joy. When there is a call for healing light, it flows through you. You see their path, and like yours, it leads to peace and ecstatic aliveness.



There is no reason for fear anymore. Fear is just a little voice you laugh at because there is nothing wrong with you. You aren’t hiding some horrible darkness, hoping no one sees you’re a loser—because you’re NOT! Now you know you are power, love, and light. Nothing is covering that up. Now you are free to shine!


Your Friends, God and Gaia

A flower catches your sight, filling you with gratitude. Being in a body is so incredible. You don’t just say “Life is a gift,” you feel it. The feeling of security and knowing love flows toward you guide your thoughts. You talk to God, thanking her. You ask her if there is anything you can do for her.  When you get a new assignment, you’re like, “Oh that’s too cool!”


You Are A Healing Presence Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Life is Beautiful

What is and isn’t included


  • A home surrounded by nature with amenities that support your ever-deepening Peace
  • World-class cuisine prepared daily by an astounding chef. Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner, plus snacks.
  • Entrance to Yosemite National Park, an amazing mindful tour guide, and a special dinner at one of Yosemite’s finest restaurants.
  • Group transportation to and from local airports at specific times.
  • Massage and facial at the Retreat venue.
  • Thirteen Private Sessions with Rev diane of The Sanctuary
  • Daily transformational rituals and meditations held at the retreat that support you in Living Your Best Life. These are tools you will use for the rest of your life!
  • Five Zoom classes before the Retreat, giving you some of the tools and insights needed to Live Your Best Life.
  • Recordings of all classes held before and during the Retreat.
  • Written instructions for all Modules
  • Recorded Guided Meditations you will use forever, keeping you grounded and joyful while Living Your Best Life.
  • Group Healing Sessions utilizing five modalities, clearing the blocks between your great light and your daily experience.
  • Reiki Level 2 Certification
  • And More!
Sequoias in Yosemite National Park
Summer Birds Yosemite

Not Included

  • Alcoholic Beverages (The venue is alcohol free).
  • Souvenirs.
  • Transportation for private excursions or to and from airport outside of scheduled group transport.
  • Airfare to and from home
  • Personal, medical, and trip insurance, the latter is important!

Things You’ll Take Home


All The Tools You’ll Want To Maintain Your Spiritual Practice!

  • Candle Magick Kit
  • Three Essential Oil Blends for Consecrating, Blessing, and Purpose of Choice
  • Sacred Bath Supplies
  • Prana Healing Soaps, Scrubs and Purification Spray
  • Incense Supplies
  • Beautiful Decorative Perfume Bottle for daily Aromatherapy
  • Crystals! 7 Tower Crystals, 7 Touchstone Crystals, Reiki Stones, Chakra Stones, and Shaman Stones
  • Pendulum (on a sterling silver chain) & Tarot Cards
  • Chakra Tuning Forks
  • Mortar & Pestle
  • A Designer Box to Keep Your New Treasures In.
Journaling Yosemite 2025 Spring Retreat

Tools To Support Your Transformation!

  • Dream Journal
  • Alchemical Transformation Journal
  • Notebook, Sticky Notes, and Pens
  • Magical Symbols Coloring Book & Crayons

Living Your Best Life Perks

  • Healing Hands and a Healing Presence
  • Freedom From Fear & Conflict
  • Connection With The Creator, the planet, and Divine Guidance
  • The skills to materialize your goals and dreams
  • Supportive friends, you are deeply connected to
  • Memories and pictures that will inspire you for the rest of your life
  • Knowing your Divine Plan, your Purpose
  • Feeling good in your body & loving life
  • Recognizing your light and letting it shine
Healing Hands Yosemite Retreat Spring 2025
Woman Wondering


  • Self-love: Imagine Loving yourself unconditionally. What if you 100% knew you were not perfect but perfectly human? Envision accepting your status as a beautiful creation in process? This is how you will feel through the work we will do together.
  • Ancestral Healing: You will not only be clearing karmic imprints and pain within yourself. You will be healing your Ancestors and descendants, too! Healed are family patterns that stop you from Living Your Best Life. This means you will not be passing them on to your grandchildren.
  • Past Lives Healing: This work will make you aware of your Past Lives. You will learn how Past Life experiences affect you and clear any imprints that block your light from shining. Now, you’re probably not Cleopatra, but you do have a wealth of experience and accomplishment to tune into.
  • Spiritual Awakening: You will awaken to and reconnect with your true self, gaining awareness of a fresh reality and discovering your authentic identity. Now, you can explore life’s true meaning and purpose; once you begin, there’s no turning back. You are a Crystal Winged Being of Radiant White Fire! This you will know.
  • You will be a true White Magician. Although you may not want to put that on your resume, the skill set will be invaluable.
  • You won’t be taking anything personally anymore. When people or circumstances are less than kind, you will not feel like you are being attacked. You will brush things off with ease. The funny thing is, once you do that, they change too!
Mariposa Spring

Visiting Mariposa

Mariposa County is the home of Yosemite. In May, Mariposa becomes an irresistible destination for those seeking to immerse themselves in nature’s wonders. It offers breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems. May brings a vibrant burst of life, with wildflowers in full bloom dotting the meadows and the iconic waterfalls flowing abundantly. Mariposa draws visitors to its tranquil atmosphere. Mariposa in May promises an unforgettable experience for anyone yearning to reconnect with the great outdoors.

Why Visit Yosemite

Visiting Yosemite

Beauty is a gateway to Gratitude. Beauty is abundant in Yosemite. You can’t escape it. On this trip, the wildflowers call to us with invitations to experience delight. The red bark of the Sequoias draws us to a profound sense of security. From small water-worn rocks to the towering sentinels Half Dome and El Capitan, the mineral world makes timelessness and eternity become more than abstract concepts.

More About Mariposa

Mariposa holds the distinction of being the first county established in California, dating back to May 18, 1850. This historic milestone marks its pivotal role in the state’s early development, as it became the focal point for the bustling Gold Rush activity that swept through the region. As the first county, Mariposa played a significant part in shaping California’s political and economic landscape, setting the stage for its growth and expansion in the years to come. Today, its legacy as the “Mother of Counties” remains integral to Mariposa’s identity, attracting visitors to explore its rich history and natural beauty.


Although known for gold, many crystals and minerals are found in Mariposa. In fact, Mariposa is one of the few places whose name was given to a crystal. During the California Gold Rush, miners would look for Maraposite because it was often a sign that gold was present. Just as it foretells of gold in the physical form, it foretells of gold in the Spiritual form. The Divine Healing Light we channel is golden in color.

Mariposite contributes to an individual’s emotional well-being, aiding adaptability to new situations and fostering creativity. This stimulating stone also alleviates stress and fear, promoting a sense of calmness and stability when kept close. It reduces fatigue and helps maintain life balance. Mariposite facilitates spiritual healing, granting access to the spiritual realm and enhancing communication with the Divine and nature. Mariposite is associated with the heart chakra, enhancing its energy and matching its vibrations, thus stimulating the heart.

For those touched by Mariposa County’s beauty, Mariposite’s attributes mirror those of the area. Mariposa is the Spanish word for butterflies, which are symbols of transformation.


More About Yosemite

Yosemite National Park boasts a rich history that predates its establishment as a protected area. Indigenous peoples inhabited the region for thousands of years, leaving behind a legacy of cultural and spiritual significance. In the mid-19th century, European-American explorers and settlers began to discover Yosemite’s awe-inspiring landscapes, leading to increased tourism and interest in its preservation. Influential figures like John Muir and Galen Clark advocated for the park’s conservation, ultimately leading to its designation as a national park in 1890. Yosemite’s iconic landmarks, such as Half Dome and Yosemite Falls, have captivated millions of visitors, while ongoing efforts continue to protect its natural beauty and cultural heritage for future generations.

Honoring Those Who Came Before

Today, Yosemite National Park continues to honor the cultural heritage of Native American tribes through various activities and programs. The park collaborates with indigenous communities to offer cultural demonstrations, storytelling sessions, and traditional ceremonies, providing visitors with insights into the rich history and customs of the area’s original inhabitants. Native American artisans often showcase their crafts, such as basket weaving and beadwork, allowing visitors to appreciate the intricate skills passed down through generations. Additionally, ranger-led tours highlight the significance of sacred sites and offer perspectives on the spiritual connection between Native peoples and the land. These activities serve not only to educate visitors but also to foster respect and understanding for the enduring traditions of Yosemite’s indigenous communities.

Gaia’s Children

Yosemite National Park is home to a diverse array of wildlife thriving in its varied ecosystems. Among its iconic residents are black bears, which roam the park’s forests for berries, acorns, and other food sources. Mule deer gracefully navigate the meadows and woodlands, while elusive mountain lions silently patrol the rocky terrain. Some spot Coyotes in the park’s remote areas. Birdwatchers delight in spotting species like the majestic bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and the aforementioned colorful Western tanager. Yosemite’s rivers and streams teem with rainbow and brown trout.  In addition to these, the park is also home to countless smaller creatures, including squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, and a variety of reptiles and amphibians. Each contributes to the park’s rich tapestry of biodiversity, making Yosemite a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

For those seeking spiritual growth, Yosemite’s serene landscapes and ancient forests offer a sanctuary. A place for reflection and connection with nature, with opportunities for meditation and contemplation amidst towering granite cliffs and tranquil streams. Above all, late spring in Yosemite is a feast for the senses, where the vibrant colors of the season and the symphony of wildlife combine to create an unforgettable experience of harmony and renewal.


JK another happy client

Diane, you are a genius. You healed me! That session was a breakthrough for me. And the pain is out of my back!!! Cudos!!!




Woman Finding Answers

Live Your Best Life Is For You If…

  • The realization has come that it is not enough to want change. You know it is time for change.
  • Deep within, your connection to the Divine is not what you want it to be. You feel a strong need to strengthen it.
  • No matter how successful you’ve been in many areas of life, feeling like a loser is no longer acceptable. It’s time to love yourself, and you seek Guidance on how to make self-love a reality.
  • Your concern about your effect on the people in your life is now more serious. You want to be a light for them, guiding them toward self-love and a purpose-filled life.
  • Nature is calling you. You yearn to develop a stronger connection and feel the joy of simple pleasures.
  • You seek a true Spiritual Path without joining a cult or living in a monastery. It is time to incorporate Spirituality into your daily, albeit busy, life.
  • The Law of Attraction didn’t work for you. After trying several “get healed” fixes, you wonder if something is wrong with you.
  • You want a down-to-earth yet mystical teacher and experience.
  • Knowing your purpose, your true calling, and living it has become a priority.
  • You want to experience a constant flow of miracles.
  • Committing time and energy to your growth, in essence to yourself, is something you are willing to do NOW.
  • It’s time to Live Your Best Life!

This Retreat Is Probably Not For You If…

  • You don’t like dogs.
  • Committing time to create transformation is not something you want to do.
  • Going outside, especially into natural environments, is abhorrent for you.
  • You are uncomfortable stepping outside of conventional religious practices.
  • Going deep within and releasing painful feelings, whether yours or your ancestors is not something you are willing to do.
  • You refuse to accept change.
Woman Doesn't Like Dogs

Why Take A Transformational Journey?

There are reasons not to. There are things you will have to give up: Endless arguments and worries about your effect on your loved ones. Including the effect you’ve already had on them. You’ll be giving up some of your time. You’ll have to give up feeling bad about yourself. Then, there is letting go of controlling your pain so that you can let go of the pain.

Have you heard the song “100 Million reasons to leave, but I just need one to Stay”?  So, 100 million reasons to leave, probably all valid, but just one to stay in what is probably a toxic relationship, from the sound of it? Great song, loved it, been there, threw up the t-shirt. What about you? How many reasons do you have to stay stuck? You do have some, or change would have come. You will have to let go of things that keep you there.

Humanity is on the brink of a great change of consciousness. We face the choice of Love or destruction. If we choose Love, the first step is loving ourselves unconditionally. We must do that to take the second step;  owning our power. The third is using our love and power to uplift others.

The upside of choosing Love is that joy fills our lives. We experience Peace and Ecstatic Aliveness. We think you’re ready for that.

Woman Alive
Your Children Deserve You Living Your Best Life

Why Live Your Best Life?

Live Your Best Life is more than a Retreat or a Spiritual Mentoring and Coaching Program. It is everything you need to break through obstacles and achieve true transformation. We’d say everything but the kitchen sink, but the kitchen sink actually comes in handy. For those without a fireplace, it’s a good place to burn paper when burning paper for Magickal purposes.

The mentorship and coaching program lasts thirteen weeks, unlike most that last twelve weeks. Why thirteen? To take participants through three full Moon cycles. That is what it takes to create true transformation.

Additionally, while others recommend candles, oils, baths, etc., we provide them. You will receive consecrated, blessed, Reiki and Pranic-infused materials. We are going to get you to the other side of everything that is holding you back from Living Your Best Life.

With all of the healing mentorships and retreats available you must choose the one right for you. Do the values of your teachers align with yours?  Does the package offer to address your issues? Are you willing to commit to the work?

We created Live Your Best Life to guide you through the process of healing all of your wounds. You have access to all of the tools, and have the empowerment to Live Your Best Life. It culminates decades of helping others and being on the path. It is complete.

Learn More

Rev. diane of The Sanctuary started exploring metaphysical teachings in 1975 and began helping others in 1991. She has taken everything she has learned and put it together in this complete package.

There have been many advancements in healing and expanding awareness during this time. Ever seeking to see her clients achieve fulfillment, and to experience fulfillment herself, she has weeded through the offerings of many modalities and teachers. There is not one key to fulfillment. Many teachings say, “This is it! Follow this path, and you will have it all.” We reach embodied enlightenment by putting together the best of the best teachings. Embodied enlightenment is the state wherein we know who we truly are and consciously design our lives and our experiences. It is the state where miracles flow freely. Live Your Best Life offers the best available.

Becoming fully able to materialize your dreams, become Spiritually awake, and embrace the power of Love is the ultimate goal. All humans want the same things:

  • Connection with their perfect partner
  • To give their best gifts through their unique Divine Plan
  • An end to separation from The Creator

These things are accomplished by removing the blocks within. Whether they are karmic imprints or residual traumatic pain, these blocks can be removed.

It all starts with self-love. Live Your Best Life empowers you to rid yourself of limiting beliefs and those voices from within that stop you from experiencing Peace and Ecstatic Aliveness.

Once accomplished, Live Your Best Life gives you the tools to materialize your heart’s desires.

This offering is not for the lazy or the uncommitted. It is for those willing to accept transformational change, embrace Love, and rid yourself of all that stops you from Living Your Best Life!


Rev diane your facilitator
Rev. diane of The Sanctuary

“I had a healing session with Diane 3 days ago. Following the session I slept for 13 hours and was in a dream-like state throughout the following day. Since then, I have been more present, focused and clear than I ever remember being. I have been able to make decisions more easily and take action more readily. My home is tidier, cleaner and I am so much happier. Thank you, Diane, I really believe I am moving forwards.”

Hillary Stocker

Here Are Some Facts You May Want

How do I know if this is right for me Now?

Ask yourself;

  • Is it time to create miracles?
  • Am I tired of beating my head against a wall?
  • Am I ready to commit to creating positive changes?
  • Do I want a vibrant Spiritual Life that fits seamlessly with my lifestyle and values?

If you answered yes, Live Your Best Life was created for you.  Whether you have tried multiple paths and are still stuck or new to all of this, Live Your Best Life is for you. If you want miracles to become natural occurrences, we want to show you how to make that happen!

How much time will I need to do the program on a daily basis?

Before we discuss that, please ask yourself, “How much time do I spend worrying and arguing? How much time have I spent searching for answers? Do I lose time feeling sad, angry, or hopeless?”

Scheduling more into our busy lives is daunting. What is worse is wasting time because our lives are filled with anger, sadness, and hopelessness instead of joy and excitement about what we are creating.

Here is what you will be scheduling in your life:

For the first four weeks of the program (pre-retreat), there will be one and a half hours each Saturday and Sunday. Homework takes half an hour a week. The two Moon Celebrations will last thirty minutes. You will also have four sessions with Rev. diane that are one to one and a half hours.

So, before the Retreat you will set aside five hours weekly to begin Living Your Best Life.

After the Retreat, doing your homework will take 15 minutes daily. You should also reserve time for journaling. These activities are best done in the morning when you wake up.

You will also have a weekly session with Rev. diane, which will take one to one and a half hours.  Weekly group Healing Sessions will also take one to one and a half hours. So, you will set aside three hours a week for eight weeks.

The skills and practices you gain are part of your life and consciousness. During times of stress or conflict, you will automatically return to the practices we taught. You will be Living Your Best Life.

What will the days be like at the Retreat?

Relaxing! Our classes and group healing sessions take an average of three hours daily. Another hour includes Rituals or Celebrations. That leaves you with the rest of the day to relax and rewrite those scripts in your head that have kept you stuck.

The first two days are all about relaxing and finding bliss in the natural surroundings. The rest of the week, you can indulge in hiking, swimming, relaxing in the hot tub, or just vegging out to create that special peace and ecstatic aliveness we all seek.

It’s important to understand that you need peaceful time to process and consolidate what you are learning and healing. We will “get things” on a cellular level. That takes peaceful time for oneself.

Is there a way to shorten this if I don't have the time?

No. After years of walking this path and seeking fulfillment, we learned that creating the change takes time.

There is something special about three months of dedication to change. Often, people experience miracles almost immediately. However, the teachings prescribe three full Moon cycles to create total success.

The time it takes to create change and overcome emotional, spiritual, and mental obstacles can vary depending on the individual and the nature of their challenges. However, there are a few reasons why it often takes time:

Complexity of the Issue: Emotional, spiritual, and mental obstacles can be deeply ingrained and multifaceted. Untangling and addressing them requires time and patience.

Unlearning and Relearning: Overcoming obstacles often involves unlearning old patterns or beliefs and replacing them with new, healthier ones. This process takes time as it involves rewiring the brain and forming new habits.

Emotional Processing: Dealing with emotions takes time. It’s about understanding them intellectually and allowing yourself to feel and process them fully.

Resistance to Change: Even when we consciously want to change, there can be subconscious resistance. It takes time to overcome this resistance and fully commit to change.

Integration and Consolidation: Change isn’t just about making different choices; it’s about integrating those changes into daily life and consolidating them as new habits and ways of being.

External Factors: External circumstances impact the pace of change. Supportive environments and external stressors all affect the process.

Healing and Growth: True change often involves healing past wounds and becoming a new version of yourself. Both healing and growth take time and cannot be rushed.

Live Your Best Life is designed to help you achieve transformation. We address all of the obstacles to change. Taking shortcuts is one way to sabotage the process.

Three months changes the rest of your life!

Who will be at the retreat? I want to feel secure and safe with the people I'm staying with.

The people in the classes and Moon Celebrations will be there! You will have had a chance to get to know them beforehand. In fact, you may even have some new best friends!

All of the Retreat attendees have the same goals you do. To Live their Best Lives, to feel secure and grounded on the planet, and to know that they can materialize their dreams.

Can I bring my friends, fur kids, and family?

Anyone who is part of the Live Your Best Life program is welcome. However, it is not appropriate for children. We have worked with mature teenagers, so you may want to turn this into a “mother daughter thing.” Ask us beforehand if your child is at a point wherein they can embrace the teachings.  If your partner is ready for change, enroll him/her!

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate fur kids.

Do I have to do everything included?

No, your choice is always honored. Do keep in mind that all of the components of the Retreat are carefully chosen to make sure you Live Your Best Life.

What's the weather like?

In May, Mariposa and Yosemite experience pleasant weather as spring transitions into early summer. It may rain, and we’ll have rain ponchos on hand. Rain rarely lasts long during the late spring.  It is generally light and lasts one to two hours. Here’s a detailed explanation of the weather:

Mariposa, CA:

Temperature: In May, Mariposa enjoys mild to warm temperatures. Daytime temperatures range from the mid-70s to low 80s Fahrenheit (around 23-28°C), while evenings can be cooler, dipping into the 50s Fahrenheit (around 10-15°C).

Precipitation: May is usually a dry month in Mariposa. However, occasional light showers or thunderstorms are possible.

Sunshine: Expect plenty of sunshine during May, with long daylight hours. The days are longer as summer approaches, providing ample time for outdoor activities.

Yosemite National Park:

Temperature: Yosemite experiences mild to warm temperatures in May. Daytime temperatures range from the mid-60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (around 18-23°C) at lower elevations. In higher elevations, such as Yosemite Valley, temperatures may be slightly cooler.

Precipitation: May marks the transition from wetter spring months to drier summer season in Yosemite. While rainfall decreases compared to earlier in the spring, some precipitation is still possible, especially in afternoon showers or thunderstorms, particularly at higher elevations.

Snow: In higher elevations of Yosemite, such as Tuolumne Meadows, snow can still be present in May, especially earlier in the month. However, lower elevations and popular tourist areas like Yosemite Valley are typically snow-free by this time.

Wildflowers: May is a beautiful time to visit Yosemite for wildflower enthusiasts. Wildflowers bloom throughout the park as the snow melts and temperatures rise, adding vibrant colors to the landscape.

Overall, May offers excellent weather for outdoor activities in both Mariposa and Yosemite, with mild temperatures, plenty of sunshine, and the chance to see blooming wildflowers.

Do you offer scholarships? I'm concerned about the cost.

We do not offer scholarships.

The cost is far less than the cost of not doing this! We want you to invest in yourself.  We spend thousands on beauty treatments, clothing, etc. When was the last time you invested in your joy? In your Spiritual growth? Now is the time to invest your time, money, and energy into rising above all that keeps you from Living Your Best Life.

We do offer payment plans. You can see those on the registration page. We want to assist, heal, and serve you!

What should I wear? What else should I bring?

Visiting Yosemite and Mariposa, CA in May requires planning for various weather conditions, as temperatures can vary throughout the day and at different elevations. Here’s what people should consider packing:


Keep it Casual and Comfortable: This is not a place for glam. Even when we dine at one of Yosemite’s fine-dining restaurants others there will be dressed casually. You may want to look good on Insta. We get it. But keep it casual and comfortable. You will not need heels.

Layered Clothing: Bring clothing that can be easily layered, including T-shirts, long-sleeve shirts, sweaters, and a lightweight jacket or fleece. Layers allow you to adjust to changing temperatures throughout the day.

Long Pants and Shorts: Pack both long pants and shorts for versatility. Long pants are useful for hiking to protect against sun exposure, insects, and possible brush, while shorts can be comfortable for warmer days.

Sturdy Walking Shoes: Comfortable and sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots with good traction are essential, especially for exploring trails in Yosemite and our venue. Make sure your footwear is broken in before your trip to prevent blisters.

Hat and Sunglasses: Consider protecting yourself from the sun by bringing a wide-brimmed hat to shield your face and sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Swimming Essentials: Your Bathing Suit! Consider swimmer’s ear plugs to prevent swimmers’ ears.

Other Essentials:

Sunscreen: Don’t forget sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from the sun.

Daypack: Carry a small daypack to hold water, sunscreen, a camera, and any extra layers you might need while exploring.

Insect Repellent: Mosquitoes and other insects may be present, especially near water sources. Pack insect repellent to avoid bites.

Camera: Capture the stunning landscapes of Yosemite and Mariposa by bringing a camera or smartphone with a good camera.

Binoculars: If you’re interested in birdwatching or wildlife viewing, consider bringing binoculars for a closer look.

By packing these essentials, you’ll be well-prepared for your visit to Yosemite and Mariposa in May, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience exploring the beauty of the area.

We will be providing various toiletries:

Prana Healing Body Soap & Scrubs
Shampoo and Conditioner
Body Lotion
Shower Caps

The venue provides hair dryers and laundry facilities. We will have fragrance free laundry soap and drier sheets on hand.

Can you accommodate special diets?

Absolutely! Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free. You can let us know about your food preferences and food allergies on the registration page.

How private are the accommodations?

We will be offering six private rooms, one double occupancy, and one room for four people (twin beds, not bunk beds). Bathrooms will be shared. The good news is that there are four bathrooms.

Can I come early or stay later?

We would be happy to assist you with this. The Retreats’ doors will open at noon on the first day. If you would like to come before that or stay in the area after the Retreat, there are many Airbnbs, (including our venue) and we are very familiar with local hotels. You will need a car in either case because there are no taxis or Uber in the area.

Is there internet and cell service?

Yes, to both! This is a rural community, so cell service can be difficult. T Mobile and Verizon do best. The house has Wi-Fi, which is very dependable and can be used for Wi-Fi calling. The venue uses the same Internet service as we do, and we stream multiple streaming services while working on the Internet and accepting calls. You should be fine.

Do I need a car while I'm at the Retreat

Only if you plan on coming early or staying later. We will provide transportation to and from the airports and to and from Yosemite National Park.

Our personal vehicles will be at the venue should some unexpected need arise.

There is no Uber or taxi service in Mariposa or Yosemite.

What Airport should I fly into?

There are three airports you can travel to. The Fresno Yosemite International Airport,  the Merced Regional Airport, and the Mariposa-Yosemite Airport.

Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT):

Major Carriers: Fresno Yosemite International Airport is served by major carriers such as American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, offering flights to and from various destinations across the United States.

Mariposa, the site of our venue, is approximately 70 miles away.

Merced Regional Airport (MCE):

Private Charter: Private charter flights are available to and from Merced Regional Airport, offering personalized and flexible travel options. Travelers can arrange for private charters from various locations, including major cities.

There is one scheduled small plane service from Los Angeles.

Merced is closer to Mariposa than Fresno, at approximately 40 miles away.

Mariposa-Yosemite Airport (MPI):

Private Small Plane Charters: Mariposa-Yosemite Airport offers private small plane charters for travelers who prefer a more direct and personalized travel experience. Travelers can arrange for charter flights from various locations, including nearby cities and airports.

Mariposa-Yosemite Airport is the closest airport to our venue about 28 minutes away.

What about Covid or RSV? Any other infectious disease in the area?

Ensuring your safety and well-being is our top priority! We will follow all CDC travel recommendations at the time of your trip and keep you updated on any changes.

As of April 2024, this retreat does not require vaccination or mask use. We’ll let you know if this changes. However, feel free to wear a mask if you prefer.

If you are choosing a shared room and would prefer to stay with others who have the same vaccination status as you do, let us know on the registration form.

Although there have been no reports of insect-born disease in the area for many years, mosquitoes live here. Mosquito repellant offsets any danger. There are also bracelets that send out a sonic deterrent.  To avoid mosquitos altogether, stay indoors at dusk and dawn.

Because we will be in the forest, you may also want to be careful of ticks that carry Lyme disease. A tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted. So, it is important to check for ticks after forays outdoors.

We want you to be safe!

Is the Retreat Planet Friendly?

Thank you for asking. This is so important.

The venue we are staying at is solar-powered! We provide a comfortable passenger van for our trip to Yosemite and for picking guests up from the airport.

We are planting a tree for each attendee to offset our carbon footprint.

To offset your carbon footprint for air travel, we can refer you to organizations that provide such services.

A portion of your fee will be donated to the World Wildlife Fund.

Questions? Just Ask!

7 + 11 =


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